Piecing in Portland 2

Lisa brought new and old projects to Portland.
This quilt got way bigger then expected, but all came together on the weekend which was nice.
Lisa then worked on these blocks cut from a layer cake.
She put the borders on a quilt for her sister.
Lisa loves to make bags.  The large bag is for her tablet and the smaller a clutch purse.
She had pre cut all the pieces for these cute little fabric buckets.

And then very generously gifted us all one each.
I will always remember that Lisa gave me this cute sea gull bag on our first sewing trip to Portland!
Happy quilting Sue.


  1. Very productive! Love the little baskets, fun to make and a lovely gift.

  2. Looks like Lisa never sleeps. : )

  3. Friends like Lisa keep you motivated

  4. A very productive week end by Lisa. Lovely little gift to as a memento of friendship.


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